The Hellbomb Flight (The Penetrator Book #10)
Deep in the bowels of an abandoned mountain mineshaft, smack in the middle of the harsh Nevada desert, Dr. Orlando Fitzmueller has installed his computer base. The idea had first come to him when he was second in command at NASA.
Then it was an impossible dream.
But now, through careful planning, and sheer brilliance, it will become a reality. And he will win. Then in a few precious hours, he will be the single most powerful man the universe has ever known. He will hold life and death over 150 million people!
For Mark Hardin (a.k.a. The Penetrator), it begins slowly. Just check into a scientist who is an expert in satellite tracking. All the Penetrator's instincts tell him there is much more to it than a routine gumshoe job.
He's right.
Suddenly, he's up to his armpits in Mafia thugs and hot on the trail of the most bizarre hijacking caper ever. Time is running out. If the terms aren't met, the result will a nuclear nightmare.