An award-winning indie publisher
Wolfpack Publishing is a young, rapidly expanding company formed to bring both established authors and new authors to the market. We embrace the rise and opportunities created by online bookstores and their limitless virtual bookshelves. We have not only fueled the growth of e-books and audiobooks, but also eroded much of the pre-existing differences between frontlist and backlist books, which are now side-by-side on today's largest virtual bookshelves.
Wolfpack Publishing is not a one-size-fits-all solution
If we don't believe a title or an author is a good fit for Wolfpack Publishing or one of our sister imprints and would be better served self-published or traditionally published, we will attempt to point you towards a better solution for your work.
Visibility is the key
If a book can't be found, it can't be sold. With over 30 years of online and offline marketing experience, Wolfpack is as much an online marketing company as it is a hybrid publishing company. Utilizing the latest in desktop publishing software, print-on-demand solutions, and taking advantage of cutting-edge internet marketing opportunities in today's digital online world helps to keep Wolfpack Publishing's titles highly visible and at the top of their respected genres. With a talented combination of both in-house staff and outsourced subcontractors, Wolfpack Publishing can bring titles to market in a matter of weeks versus the traditional query-agent-publisher route that can often take years.
Our contract was written by an author to benefit fellow authors
We are proud of the ability to boast about our author/publisher publishing agreement, which may be the most author-friendly contract in the industry. Wolfpack Publishing covers all production and marketing expenses. Net royalties received from the distributors are split between author and publisher, with royalty distribution made monthly and within days of receipt of royalties from our distributors.