The Ranch Wife: A Memoir
Format: eBook
Hilarious and heart-wrenching stories about the realities of living life on a cattle ranch as the hired hand—told by a woman who knows nothing about agriculture.
Kacee Rundell poses an upfront and honest look into the lives of ranchers through the fresh eyes of someone just learning about the ever-changing way of life. Her memoir offers moments of joy and triumph, followed by poignant stories of hardship and lessons learned on the way to becoming a Ranch Wife.
THE RANCH WIFE details the daily struggles and life lessons of America's ranching culture—laid out in a unique way, so that readers everywhere can follow along and bask in moments of emotion and embrace America’s humble hearts.
“When the Rundell says, “The Real Life . . .” she gives us the down and dirty very real life of a Ranch Wife! Her experiences and life responses are not only enlightening but very entertaining. Few ever get to experience the realities of living on a ranch in the tough country of Wyoming, but once you start immersing yourself in this book of real-life tales, you’ll believe you were right there beside her. You are in for a real ride - hunker down, dig in your spurs, and hang on!”— B.N. Rundell, author of the Stonecroft Saga series