Gold Fever Justice (Mr. Justice Book #5)
A small gold mine owner in Colorado is being harassed by a large mine owner who is trying to drive him off the mountain and take over the smaller mine. Mr. Justice gets the details from a letter to dozens of sheriffs and town marshals in Kansas. Marshal White in Bend tells Lance about it and Lance decides to go see what he can do. He winds up in a mess of dirty tricks and then a burned-down cabin. Lance takes over and does some tricks of his own including creating a landslide that blocks the large miner from moving his gold ore down the mountain to the stamping plant virtually shutting him down. Lance gets some other problems going for the big miner but will they be enough to discourage the bad guy from taking over the small mine? Time is on the small miner’s side now. Lance heads for home only to be on a stage held up by three robbers who get away with thirteen hundred dollars in gold and banknotes. Lance is soon on a horse after them to bring back the robbers and the money. Only his determination is on his side.