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Jeb Rosebrook

Jeb Rosebrook

Born in New York in 1935, Jeb Rosebrook earned his living as a professional writer since he first was a paid intern as a dramatic television writer at NBC in 1956 in New York. His career included journalism, advertising,  public relations, three published novels and over thirty years of credits in film and television, including one Emmy nomination as co-writer of I Will Fight No More Forever: the story of Chief Joseph and two Writers Guild of America nominations for best television dramas, the two hour The Waltons episode “The Conflict” and his adaptation of the novel, The Prince of Central Park.  Film credits include the Sam Peckinpah directed classic, Junior Bonner, starring Steve McQueen and Disney’s iconic sci-fi classic The Black Hole.  Television credits for writing and co-writing and producing include numerous television films and mini-series, including Kenny Roger’s The GamblerThe Yellow Rose and The Outsiders.

“The Conflict” was adapted by Jeb, with Earl Hamner, into a stage play available through Dramatic Publishing , with permission of Earl Hamner and Warner Brothers.

Jeb Rosebrook passed away August 31, 2018.

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