Blind Justice (Mr. Justice Book #2)
Only three people know who Mr. Justice is in the Kansas and Missouri area. He does his work chasing down outrageous outlaws, righting wrongs that crooked sheriffs do, and trying to pay back the crooked element for the murderous attack on his family killing his father and putting his mother in an insane asylum. He's out this time to bring down Fancy Wilson, a bank robber who takes a whole town hostage as he waits for a stage to bring in a big money shipment to the local bank in Willow Springs. This is the opening round in a complex and systematic robbery spree that targets local banks just off the rail line. This time Mr. Justice is hunted by a master criminal who wants Mr. Justice dead to protect his looting of the bank shipments. Out manned and out gunned, Lance Logan, Mr. Justice, has to rely on his skills, planning, and strategy to win the day. But can he win? He isn't sure but he will try his best to bring some justice to this part of Kansas.